
Yes, you do for best airflow.  You need to clean the heat pump filters approximately every three months for the best results and for optimal airflow.

In the colder months this means the outdoor heat pump unit has gone into defrost mode.  This is normal and should take 15 minutes to complete.  Leave the heat pump unit as is and it will return to its normal operation.

In most cases you’ll need to change the batteries in your heat pump remote.  Depending on the model of heat pump you have, they are on the back of the remote and typically take 2 times AA batteries.

If it is coming from the drain it is moisture that has been removed from inside.  If it is coming from under the outdoor heat pump unit it is condensation and this is normal.

Check the heat pump unit and the timer light should be on.  If the heat pump timer light isn’t on, repeat the process of setting the timer.  Aim the remote at the heat pump, you should hear a “beep” and you’ll know the timer has been set.

Yes, manufacturers typically recommend servicing a heat pump yearly.

They could be, it is important that you keep the outdoor heat pump unit clear of any debris and greenery.

Watch the videos below showing you how to set a timer using a Panasonic heat pump remote, a Daikin heat pump remote, and a Mitsubishi heat pump remote. 

Panasonic Heat Pump

Watch this quick video explaining how to set the timer function on a Panasonic Heat Pump

Daikin Heat Pump

Watch this quick video explaining how to set the timer function on a Daikin Heat Pump

Mitsubishi Heat Pump

Watch this quick video explaining how to set the timer function on a Mitsubishi Heat Pump

If you have any more questions please contact us anytime.  We are on the phone Monday to Friday 9am-5pm. 

Tim from Varcoe sitting on a stool explaining heat pumps

Heat Pump Tim

Meet Heat Pump Tim

Tim has been installing leading brand heat pumps and been in Varcoe for over 25 years.  Read his story and learn more about the industry.

Blue pop art styled image of a water blaster


Did you know?

Heat Pump manufacturers recommend that you service your heat pump yearly.  We are here to help, check out our servicing options.

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We need your feedback, because after 25 years in the industry we rely on it to be the best in our field.  At Varcoe we believe in the full circle of conversation.