Tim from varcoe at his deck in a blue shirt smiling

About Tim Fawdray

My Story

In 1993 I started working at Varcoe refrigeration, straight out of school.  I asked to work for free for a year, and it has all worked out quite well.  I then completed my apprenticeship in refrigeration in 1998 and haven’t looked back.  After an OE in 2001, I realized how much I loved business.  I started and ran a cleaning business in London.  So when I returned to work with Paul Varcoe and bought into the company after a year.  I love sales and meeting people and refrigeration in the Food Industry.  And, in 2016 I bought the remaining shares.


The refrigeration industry has changed in the last 5-10 years and heat pumps are now huge.  Because we have been supplying and installing heat pumps over the last 30 years, we have seen a lot of industry changes.  They are such a great way to heat the home, keep it dry, allergen friendly, but best of all they are great for the environment.  I love that they are so attainable to Kiwis and finally we can live in homes, go to schools and social clubs and take our jackets off.  No more snuggling in a rug with a damp gas heater in winter or drinking a beer in a sweaty hot pub in summer.  Life is just better and more comfortable with heat pumps.

Who knows where the future of heating will be, but I want to be there, and will be.  Solar panels, watch this space.  

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Follow Varcoe for ways of making your life more comfortable on topics like; help with the new healthy homes standards, how to create a better sleep environment, and, the importance of a comfortable temperature in the school.

Hello Heat pump Tim
Cartoon styled pop art of a man asking "Are you ready?"

Statement of Intent

Are you a landlord? Are you wondering what you need to do, try our healthy home calculator, which will let you know what you need to do. Best of all, we’ll send you a pdf that qualifies as the statement of intent, which is valid until 1st December 2020 while you get yourself ready

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Our Brands

Mitsubishi Electric has been a world leader in Heat pumps and Air Conditioning since 1968

Daikin is one of New Zealand’s most trusted names in Heat Pumps and Air Conditioning

Panasonic has been loved by New Zealand households for almost a century